Wednesday 13 January 2016

The Two Witnesses

The next subject will be unpleasant to most people to except or believe. Powerful men will be afraid, great nations, countries and kingdom will be afraid, all Capitalism, Communism, Islamism will be afraid. A great chance will come and all those things you take for granted will be abolish; and the truth shall hurt many people all around the world. Jesus will return as King to all nations of this world and many things will be change, rule and laws will be abided. Breaking them, punishment shall be. Remember what happen to the people of the Israelites who rejected Moses and their God, punishment was sent to the Israelites people for forty years until the last generation who has seen God mighty miracles has die and never to see the promise land, only the new generation welcome to the promise land. Soon Jesus will be King for a thousand years and we all must learn to live in peace and love our God with all our hearts and love all people of every kind and with respect, and we will made to live in a different way of life.

Yes a change will come and the truth shall be heard and many shall hate and fear them for these are the witness shall came to the world with power and authority to do the father will. Who is the witness?


The Mystery of the Two Witnesses

The two Witnesses are the two olive trees, The Two Lamp stand, the Two anointed once, which stands the Right and Left side of God the father. Both have the power and authority from God to do anything they please and to prophesy the Truth to the world, in which the people in all over the world do not wish to hear the truth. God did not send them down from Heaven for people to believe in them, God have send them to be born on Earth, and to live among as ordinary people, until their time has come to do the mission of the father will, and to send the message for those who will listen, and to separate for those people who will believe their message of the Truth and for those who do not want the Truth. They did not come to bring peace but a sword to separate believers and unbelievers. The clue of this mystery witness which it said “where our lord was crucified” meaning Jesus is one of the Witnesses who he stand at the right side of God the father, for he has fulfilled his mission. Another witiness is coming soon to the world, for he is to open the eyes to all nations and tongue to the truth. And that is why the people on Earth did not believe in him and plotting to kill him. ‘Warning for any person that’s whose tires to kill or harm him’ if they did, then he will destroy his enemies or that person shall die. The people on earth did not believe in him because they were inspecting two witnesses, they branded him as the false prophets or false messiah and because of the fear he brings to the world of his power and of the Truth. He is preparing the way for Jesus to return as Kings of Kings and lord of Lord on Earth to open people eyes for those who will see and prepare to be ready. Why the people did not understood its meaning of the scriptures in Zechariah, I took my two staves, one I called Goodwill, “we know it refers to Jesus” and the other I called Union “from the spirit of God another”. And so I began to pasture my sheep. I then took my staff, Goodwill, and broke it in half, to break the covenant YHWH had made with all the people. I then broke my second staff, Union, to break the brotherhood between Judah and Israel. Is there more than one Son of God in the scripture? Yes in Job verves 6 ‘One day the Sons of God come to attend on YHWH, ‘God’ and among them was Satan’. It repeat the theme in Job, chapter two verse one. Remember it said Sons of God meaning more than one Son. Satan was never the Son of God but the falling Angel. The two Staves or the two olive trees is the Sons of God. The people of earth don’t believe him of who he is, but time is now running out, so don’t you be the one left behind. Remember the story of the ten bridesmaids, the first five bridesmaids were ready and prepared to meet the bridegroom, for they never know when the groom will come; the other five bridesmaids were not prepared. So the first five bridesmaids were accepted in the kingdom of God but the other five bridesmaids were not. Or the two people working in the field, one is taken but the other did not. So then always be ready because you will never know when it shall be. Many people shall say when is the end coming, it is taking so long and they grow tired of waiting, and many has fall out in believing God and of his promises, the same in the days of Noah when the people making fun of him “where is your rain”. Nobody known when it shall be, but never give up your believe in God promises. For what God has said, it shall be.

When he has fulfilled his mission the people on earth has the power to kill him. And when they did the people in all over the world celebrate his death, with song and gift to one another for which the witness has tormented them with the truth and of his power of and many plague for three and a half years. After three days the spirit of God has brought him back to life then a great earthquake strike and killed many people’s on earth.

Jesus said the good news of the Kingdom will be proclaimed to the whole world as a Witness to all nations and then the end will come. Here Jesus meant clearly a Witness.

You must know in our history that the gospel has been preach to all countries and nations and tongues in all over the world for many centuries, but the end has not come, why?  Because ‘a witness’ is the keystone of fulfilment.

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