Wednesday 13 January 2016

Abomination of Desolation

Abomination of Desolation

What does this means? “Abomination of Desolation”, for most interpreters and for what most people, felt that abomination of desolation means a bad omen of sort, as if to happen in the future, like wars, or the end of the world. But it is not the case, if one known it meaning of abomination of desolation then interpretation will turn in a different way of meaning to the prediction which was intended. Now let look at it meaning of the word.

Abomination which mean, ‘Extreme disgust and Hatred, Dislike, a vile or shameful action, Detestation and Loathing’.

Desolation which means, ‘Unhappiness, Misery, Despair, Isolation, Emptiness, Devastation in ruin a barren waste land. Loneliness, Sorrow and Grief’

Knowing this, does change the context of the meaning in the scriptures. As you can see it does not relate to anything as bad to an omen or wars in that nature.


Let look what Daniel has to say about abomination of desolation in his vision.

Know this, then, and understand:

From the time this message went out:

Return and rebuild Jerusalem”

For the coming of an anointed Prince. “ Jesus is born” ‘seven weeks and sixty-two weeks’?

With squares and ramparts restored and rebuild, but in a time of trouble.

And after sixty-two weeks

An anointed one will be cut off “Jesus crucifixion” and will not be for him the city and the sanctuary will be destroyed by a prince who will come, “the Roman emperor”

He end will come in catastrophe

And, until the end, there will be war, and all the devastation decreed.

He will make a firm covenant with many

For a space for a week;

And for a space one-half week

He will stop the sacrifice and oblation,

And on the wing of the Temple will be the disastrous abominations until the end, and he will make it desolate.


In Daniel clearing describe the condition in Jerusalem around 70AD when the Roman destroyed the city and Jerusalem laid waste in desolation for a very long time.





Now let look at Mathew.

So when you see the abomination of desolation, of which the prophet Daniel spoke, set up in the holy place, ‘let the reader understand’. Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountain; let him which is on the housetop not come down to take anything out of his house. Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes. And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days! But pray that your flight be not in the winter neither on the Sabbath day. “This is where I stop at this point for the rest of the statement doesn’t seem to relate to Daniel vision” “Jesus may be referring to let the reader understand to Daniel vision only. The other comment Jesus spoke may refer to the future of the Great Tribulation.” This is where we must tress in relation to most disciple’s memory, as you will have notices some disciple recalled different from one another even to some of the statement of Jesus left out, while other remember more details of the event. Bare in mind the disciple wrote their letters years after Jesus ascends to Heaven. So they have to rely on memory.


Now let look at Luke.


When you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, you must realise that she will soon be laid desolate. Then those in Judaea must escape to the mountains, those inside the city must leave it, and those in country districts must not take refuge in it. For this is the time of vengeance when all that scripture days must be fulfilled. Alas for those with child, or with babies at the breast, when those days come. For great misery will descend on the land and wrath on this people. They will fall by the edge of the sword and be led captive to every pagan country; and Jerusalem will be trampled down by the pagans until the age of the pagans is completely over.




As we continued on, we must remember when Jesus said to his disciple’s about how the temple will be destroyed, and of course his disciple was curious as to way Jesus have said that, so Some of disciple came up to ask him, when this will take place and of his coming and the end of the age. Remember they wanted to know when the temple will be destroyed; it was their concern more than anything else, because it was their life and the faith, a place of worship in the Temple of God and also their rich history. Most interpreters and scholars believe that abomination of desolation will happen in the future but they all failed to understand what Jesus has meant and what the disciple wanted to know first. Doesn’t it seem strange that abomination of desolation was never mention in Revelation, why? Where it supposes to reveal the future in the scripture right, then why the abomination of desolation was never part of the future prediction in Revelation. Interpreters and scholars which seems they have got their understanding wrong. Of course Revelation It did say to measure the sanctuary and the altar, it did not say to build the Temple. When you read Ezekiel carefully about building the Temple you will notices it was constructed in peaceful times. Jewish know very well not to build God Temple next to the foreign God temple mosque, and they know very well not to destroy it either. They believe the messiah will come and build God Temple; the mosque will be removed, that how it shall be.

In truth, both, the abomination of desolation had already happen in about one thousand eight hundred and seventy eight years ago more or less “as of 1948” when the Romans destroyed Jerusalem city and abomination of their sacrifice, and its Temple burn and destroyed it to the ground. It happens around about 70AD and the Jew where either killed or fled from their country and Jerusalem becomes desolate, as the people were scattered all over Europe in sorrows of pain for nearly two thousand years later. This is one of the longest punishments from God that Jewish people have ever experience in history. This is esclakly what Luke had said in this interpretation, that Jerusalem is surrounded by armies and Jerusalem will be lay desolation and trodden down my Gentiles for nearly two thousand years and the Jewish people scatted all over many nations. Lest we must not forget what happen to Masada, when the Romans have destroyed it, escaping to the mountains was not a good idea what Jesus had spoken about.  When the Jewish people have return to their land for nearly two thousand years later, but even then they still don’t have all their land of Israel, Gentiles still has control half of Israel and will kill all Jewish people for they have full of hate, until the Gentiles end will come.

The rest of the statement in Mathew what Jesus has spoken about, has to do with the future, and then beware. Any attempt to rebuild the Temple of God next to the Mosque in side by side, trouble will arise. Even building an Altar means trouble. When the Government and President made promises of Peace and to build the altar for the Jewish people, then suddenly, a double cross. You know Muslim do not want peace with Jewish people, they want to destroy them from the face of this world. If this event does happen, then run for your lives do not go back. For this will be a great war, for as such has never been seen on this scale before.

The Temple of God will be rebuilt on its place and the Mosque will be removed, and the land will be made holy. Rebuilding of the Temple will be in peaceful times when Jesus is return on Earth to rule as Kings of Kinds and Lord of Lords for a thousand years. Only when Jesus returns, the temple will be build by his command and instruction. It will be a perfect Temple of God to last over a thousand years.

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