Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger as he was known by as Pope Benedict XVI for
which as he was elected on 2005. Then why is he to be known as Gloria Olivae,
for which St Malachy predicted, that pope of 111 will claim that title role.
Yet we do not see any evident of any kind, as to show that Pope this Benedict
XVI is Gloria Olivae (The Glory of the Olive) as he resign the reign of Pope in
2013.What went wrong! Did the Prophet of St Malachy has got it wrong?
Let look of St Malachy Prophecy of the last 10 popes, from which he have
written down of 112 Popes from a vision he has predicted. He wrote poetic descriptions of each of the pontiffs by Titles,
that is how we could identify them by the event as it comes to pass.
1. The 103 Pope, The Burning Fire. PIUS X. 1903-1914. This Pope
showed a burning passion for spiritual renewal in the Church.
2. The 104 Pope, Religion Laid Waste. BENEDICT XV. 1914-1922. during
this Pope's reign saw Communism move into Russia where religious life was laid
waste, and World War I with the death of millions of Christians who were
carnage in Flanders Field and elsewhere.
3. The 105 Pope, Unshaken Faith. PIUS XI. 1922-1939. This Pope
faced tremendous pressure from fascist and sinister powers in Germany and
Italy, but he was an outspoken critic of Communism and Fascism which enraged
4. The 106 Pope, An Angelic Shepherd. PIUS XII. 1939-1958. This
Pope had an affinity for the spiritual world and received visions which have
not been made public. Peter Bander says Pius XII "has emerged as one of
the great Popes of all time," and he "was in the truest sense of the
word an Angelic Pastor to the flock..."
5. The 107 Pope, Pastor and Mariner. JOHN XXIII. 1958-1963. John
was a pastor to the world, much beloved, and the Patriarch of Venice. The
connection to "mariner" is thus remarkable.
6. The 108 Pope, Flower of Flowers. PAUL VI. 1963-1978. Paul's
coat-of-arms depicts three fleurs-de-lis, corresponding to Malachay's prophecy.
His coat of arms included three fleurs-de-lis (iris blossoms).
7. The 109 Pope, Of the Half Moon. JOHN PAUL I. 1978-1978. John
Paul I was elected Pope on August 26, 1978, when there was a half moon. He
reigned 33 days, that is, about one month, when he died, although many think he
was murdered. He was the 109th Pope - is "De Medietate Lunae" (Of the
Half Moon). The corresponding pope was John Paul I (1978-78), who was born in
the diocese of Belluno (beautiful moon) and was baptized Albino Luciani (white
light). He became pope on August 26, 1978, when the moon appeared exactly half
full. It was in its waning phase. He died the following month, soon after an
eclipse of the moon.
8. The 110th Pope is "De Labore Solis" (Of the Solar
Eclipse, “Toil of the Sun”, “The Labor of the Sun”). JOHN PAUL II. 1978-2005. Pope John Paul II
was the most travelled Pope in history. He circled the globe numerous times,
preaching to huge audiences everywhere he went. He survived an assassination
attempt. He has written a book which has enjoyed a large circulation. Like the
sun which never ceases to labor and provides light daily, this Pope has been
incessant and this is why the description of him “Toil or Labor of the Sun”
describes John Paul very well as the most hardest working pope ever. He was
born on May 18, 1920. On that date in the morning there was a near total
eclipse of the sun over Europe. Prophecy
Before I continued the last two popes, let recall of St
Malachy prediction and how he describes each Pope. As you can see here, of the
entire Pope that represented in these pages above shows how the action they have
taking in life, or even a passive motion which play the part as well that to
represent them, like the type of clothes they wear and also the emblem that
represent him. Time event also plays the
role too, so is to recognise in which of the year frame that Pope will reign. Take
fore instead of pope of 104 “Religion Laid Waste” Benedict
XV, which he lived in a time of world war 1and the Russian Revolution, all in
all thus full-fill the Prophecy of St Malachy very well. And that leave us to,
9. The 111 Pope, Benedict XVI which is the
title giving as “The Glory of the Olivae”, he’s action or even any passives
motion of any kind has not shown any clear evident which describes of him or
any of the time frame for which he had reign. Have we been looking this Pope the
wrong way or did something happen to chance Prophetic time line.
We must go back to
John Paul II on his last days. It has been said that John Paul have read The
Third Vision of Fatima message and met Lucia many occasion. Lucia is one of the three children on that
day in May of 1917, in which they have seen a vision apparitions of Mary, a
place called Fatima a little village town in Spain. The vision continued to the three children on
the 13th of every month thereafter, until October of 1917, a period of 5
months. The villages in Fatima have known of their vision of Mary and they
gather to see with the hope to be blessed by the Virgin Mary. And soon people
of many different villages’ towns, and all
over Spain, have heard of the three children and they too came and gather the
town of Fatima, to bare witness and to see the miracle spectacle they where
promised. The vision message given to the children is about our future, it said
that two of the children will die of mysteries disease, and in which they did,
and Lucia remained and to revealed the message to the pope. The first vision
predicted the end of World War I and the coming of World War II. The second was
an appeal to pray for the conversion of Russia, which occurred with the fall of
the Soviet Union in 1992. The third vision, sealed by Lucia under orders that
it could not be opened until 1960 (apparently by the instruction of the vision
of Mary), was never revealed. Lucia passes away on the 13th of February in 2005
as Pope John Paul II pay her respect in remembered. Lucia visions made a deep
and personal impact on John Paul II. He felt that his life had been spared by
Mary, the Virgin of Fatima. John Paul II knows about the Prophesy of Fatima and
St. Malachy prediction becoming apparently accrete, he is deeply concern the
future event and the next Pope in line will come true. It is said by many
source and rumour that he has order all the Vatican council not to vote any
future Pope that will have anything to do with ‘Glory of the Olivae’, in fear
of the end is coming. By doing so then the Prophesy of Saint Malachy will not
come true, so the End Times will not take shape, world War III will not take
event, and Jesus second coming will not take place.
Seem here that the Cardinals of the Catholic Church deliberately try to stay in
control and power to rule the world without the need for Jesus returned.
did the Vatican Cardinals have chosen ‘Joseph
Aloisius Ratzinger’ to represent the leader of the Roman Catholic
Church to reign
as he known by Pope Benedict XVI, and to mislead the world of the St. Malachy
prophesy of the ‘Glory of the Olivae’ for his prediction becomes null and therefore this event will
not take place. Thus make St Malachy a faults prophet or even a forgering manuscript.
if !
What if
the Vatican Cardinals has got it wrong, for in their
effort by trying avoided the Prophesy from coming to light, and then what if,
somehow the Prophesy finding it way in becoming true. You may ask yourself how
this could be so. Well we do know for a fact that whenever a newly elected Pope
chosen to reign in the Roman Vatican Catholic Church, then
he can by right change the name by which he will reign under. Many have chosen
famous Pope or Saints from the pass that which have influence them in some way.
By this method no one can predict which name for the new Pope names will reign
under. Then if this is the case, could perhaps by the name they have chosen
might lead to a link and clues of the Popes past history and thus fulfilling the
St Malachy Prophesy.
Let look
at some of the evidence present here. Which can be found in the internet?
Many experts
have claiming to link Pope Benedict XVI of ‘Glory of the Olivae’ with ‘The
Benedictine Order’ or ‘The Olivetans’ If so let’s have a look of the claims.
The Olivetans Order: The name "Olivetan" comes from the name of
the order's original hermitage, called Monte Oliveto in honour of
Christ’s Passion. The Order of Our Lady of Mount Olivet is a small Roman
Catholic order, founded in 1313 by Bernardo Tolomei (born Giovanni Tolomei)
along with two of his friends from the noble families of Siena, Patrizio
Patrizi and Ambrogio Piccolomini. They initially lived as hermits in the
"savage waste of Accona". Despite modern myths surrounding the
prophesies of Saint Malachy there is no connection between the Olivetan Order
and the Pope elected in 2005, Benedict XVI (supposedly the second-last Pope,
'Glory of the Olive', While it is true that the Olivetan congregation is
considered a branch of the Benedictine order, the same can be said of the many
other monastic congregations that follow the Rule of St. Benedict. The more you
search for the explanation the more you will found no solid prove of
connection. What about the Benedict Order is there a connection?
The monastery at Subiaco in Italy, established by Saint Benedict of Nursia
circa 529, was the first of the dozen monasteries he founded. He later founded
the Abbey of Monte Cassino. There is no evidence, however, that he intended to
found an order, and the Rule of Saint Benedict presupposes the autonomy of each
community. The Order of Saint Benedict also known – in reference to
the colour of its members' habits – as the Black Monks, is a Roman
Catholic religious order of independent monastic communities that observe the Rule
of Saint Benedict. Each community (monastery, priory or abbey) within the order
maintains its own autonomy, while the order itself represents their mutual
interests. The terms "Order of Saint Benedict" and "Benedictine
Order" are, however, also used to refer to Benedictine communities in
toto, sometimes giving the incorrect impression that there exists a generalate
or motherhouse with jurisdiction over them.
I will stop here, as you can see here, where ever you look up for
information on the net, none give clear convincing evident to prove or disprove
that Pope Benedict XVI is Gloria of the Olivae.
I have one other on the Internet who claims he known’s the answers.
As quoted by Doc. Taylor Marshall
(Our Lord Jesus Christ, on the night he was betrayed, after the Last Supper,
went to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray. We Catholics know this as the First
Sorrowful Mystery, The Agony in the Garden.
The word Gethsemane means “olive oil press.” In fact, the Garden of
Gethsemane is located at the Mount of Olives.
The Agony of the Garden among the olive trees is the prelude to the Passion
of Christ! The episode at the Mount of Olives is the beginning of the
redemptive sorrows ending in the crucifixion and death of Christ.
So likewise, Pope Benedict’s sorrowful agony as Pope may be the prelude to
the final Passion of Christ’s Church. His Papacy is the Glory of the Olive
because he was placed in the Agony of the Garden for the Church.)....
Sorry to say this I do not see how it is applies to Benedict XVI, he had
shown nothing in his reign to claim as Glory of the Olive, because from the
entire Pope of the pass and present, has always shown the sorrowful agony of
passion of Christ, on very Good Friday Mass. It does not make one stands up
more evident than the other.
Now that leave us to this question, can the Prophet of Saint Malachy
prediction, can be found a way, in becoming true after all? Yes. I think there
is an answer to this puzzle.
But first of all we need to answer this meaning of, “Gloria Olivae’, ‘The Glory of the Olive”
Why Olive? Has it
a meaning to it. We stress that we reference here for the olive meaning to be a
olive branch, and not olive oil. For that, in which it has two different
meaning. The oil of the Olive has always been associate in pass history in many
generations of people for in a ceremony to be blessed, or even anointed a
person in helm of a King. As well it is used in baptised in the name of Juses
with water and then rub the body with olive oil the in blessing with God. And for
the olive branch has been in all generation associate a simple of peace.
Why is the
olive branch used as a symbol of peace? In
ancient times the olive
branch is usually a symbol of peace or victory.The origins of using olive branch as a symbol of
peace lie in ancient Greek culture. In ancient Rome too, the defeated during a
war used to hold an olive branch to indicate that they were pleading for
peace. According to Christian mythology,
during the great flood, the dove sent in search of land by Noah, returned with
an olive leaf. This was seen as a sign
that God had stopped his war on mankind, the flood was receding, and land was
in sight. According to some, an olive
branch signifies peace, because the olive trees for their slow growth are not
cultivated during war time and therefore considered as peace-time trees. So we know the olive branch is a meaning of
peace, in this two phrases we shall see, ‘Glory Olivae’, ‘The Glory of the
Olive’, or ‘Glory Peace’, ‘The Glory of the Peace’. It technically means the
same thing. So Saint Malachy deliberately hiding it’s meaning very cleverly,
how we all were blinded by he’s meaning. Now we can see how his prediction
Saint Malachy describes his prediction in several
ways. An action taken by someone or a self promote action, as is to make it
happen by the event. Or passive type, in which a person who wears clothing, or
something which marks them, or even an emblem which represent them. A time event
which place them. Now I can see another event which I have not touch on, it’s
called a link. A Link can also play a part in the prediction that can connect
to others or anything from pass or present which will link them.
Every Pope who ever been elected has always have a
choice to chance their name from whom they wish to be. Some choose famous Pope
from the pass from which they have admired, others choose famous Saint from the
past, if they wish they could use their name but in most cases they do not. Now
let see a link which implies to Pope Benedict XVI.
In 2005 when Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger was
elected to become a Pope, he was asked what name that he wishes to be. Opun
he’s request, he has choose from his legacy of an unsung hero for a commitment
of peace, he name is Giacomo Paolo
Giovanni Battista della Chiesa elected as Pope Benedict XV who serve in
1914-1922. Possibly the least remembered
pope of the twentieth century, Benedict XV is nevertheless an unsung hero for
his valiant efforts to end World War I. In 2005, Pope Benedict XVI recognized
the significance of his long-ago predecessor's commitment to peace by taking
the same name upon his own rise to the pontificate. Benedict XV was unique in
his humane approach to the world in 1914–1918, which starkly contrasted with
that of the other great monarchs and leaders of the time. The Pope explained
his choice of name during his first general audience in St. Peter's Square, on
27 April 2005:
“Filled with sentiments of awe and thanksgiving, I wish to speak of why I
chose the name Benedict. Firstly, I remember Pope Benedict XV, that courageous
prophet of peace, who guided the Church through turbulent times of war. In his
footsteps I place my ministry in the service of reconciliation and harmony
between peoples. Additionally, I recall Saint Benedict of Nuria, co-patron of
Europe, whose life evokes the Christian roots of Europe. I ask him to help us
all to hold firm to the centrality of Christ in our Christian life: May Christ
always take first place in our thoughts and actions!” Pope Benedict XV is devoted to peace effort to all nations and mankind
in his time, from the great despair of Religion Laid
Waste in the First World War and to the Russian Revolution.
More evidence to what he had said to this first speech for the crowd which
sealed his destiny “the vineyard”
At the balcony, Benedict's first words to the crowd, given in Italian before
he gave the traditional ‘Urbi et Orbi’ blessing in Latin, were:
“Dear brothers and sisters, after the great Pope John Paul II, the Cardinals
have elected me, a simple, humble labourer in the vineyard of the Lord. The
fact that the Lord knows how to work and to act even with insufficient instruments
comforts me, and above all I entrust myself to your prayers. In the joy of the
Risen Lord, confident of his unfailing help, let us move forward. The Lord will
help us, and Mary, His Most Holy Mother, will be on our side. Thank you.”
So the 111 Pope, of Benedict XVI 2005-2913 is officially now the Glory Olivae or Glory of Peace,
and Saint Malachy prediction has come to light. With the link has indeed lead
me to the truth. Now what must we look for the next pope. We know that the Vatican
Cardinals Councils will
block anyone with the name of Peter or who lived anywhere near Rome and so they
have elected someone different for which they did just that, and mislead the
world for making Saint Malachy Prophecy from ever becoming true. Now I will
show you a link and fulfil the Prophecy which is intended to do.
The 112 is the last and
final Pope of the prediction by Saint Malachy. Let read what it has to say.
the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will reign Petrus Romanus,
who will feed his flock amid many tribulations; after which the seven-hilled
city will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people. The
End." Malachy's final words, "Rome, the seat of the Vatican, will be
destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people."
10. the 112 Pope is Jorge Mario
Bergoglio, Pope Francis, 2013- for which is the last
title which Saint Malachy gave “Peter The Roman” Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. As you can see
his name is not Peter, nor that was he born in Rome. He is the first to be
elected outside of Europe. Why did he choose that name Francis?
At his first audience on 16 March 2013, Francis told journalists that he had
chosen the name in honour of Saint Francis of Assisi, and had done so because Saint
Francis was especially concerned for the well-being of the poor people of his
Saint Francis of Assisi, Italian San Francesco d’Assisi, baptized Giovanni, renamed Francesco,
original name Francesco di Pietro di Bernardone
(born 1181/82,Assisi, duchy of Spoleto [Italy]—died October 3,
1226, Assisi). He has never become a Pope but he has chosen his life to
become a devoted Saint. He was a leader of the movement of evangelical poverty
in the early 13th century. His evangelical zeal, consecration to poverty, charity,
and personal charisma drew thousands of followers. During his early days on his
journey, however, he had a vision or dream that bade him return to Assisi and
await the call to a new kind of knighthood. On his return, he dedicated himself
to solitude and prayer so that he might know God’s will for him. Several other
episodes contributed to his conversion to the apostolic life: a vision of
Christ while Francis prayed in a grotto near Assisi; an experience of poverty
during a pilgrimage to Rome, where, in rags, he mingled with the beggars before
St. Peter’s Basilica and begged alms; an incident in which he not only gave
alms to a leper (he had always felt a deep repugnance for lepers) but also
kissed his hand.
Francis was the son of Pietro di Bernardone, his
father. ‘Pietro’ in a name for
English is ‘Peter’ and Francis is
born a Roman and his father name is Peter, and there is your link to
this Prophecy of Saint Malachy. Our current Pope Francis is the last Pope ‘Peter
the Roman’.
Then of course Vatican Cardinals Councils could change all this
by getting rid of Pope Francis and elected a new Pope, then this dark last
Prophecy will wither away...
Or is it?
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