Saturday 2 April 2016

Mysteries Things revealed

The Virgin Mary

What I am about to say will not please a lot of people for what is truth. We are in danger for worship Mary above God and Jesus (Yeshua) and making Mary greater than God and saying the mother of God. She is not the mother of God, and to put her above the Creator of life and all things is abomination to God. We were told to remember her and that she is chosen by God, but not to worship her. Not even the disciples worship the mother of Jesus (Yeshua), so what is the truth?

Masteries about the Virgin Mary the mother of Jesus (Yeshua)

The purpose of marriage is for the Man and woman united to become one body as they join together.

The purpose of marriage is also to continue the offspring of children of mankind for generation to generation.

Marriage was never to join together as a celibate from each other nor did God order the marriage to be a celibate. God does not allow adultery and fornication, adultery is when a married man or woman who having sexual relationship outside of marriage that including having sex with a prostituted. Fornication is when a man or woman having sex without marriage that including having sex with a prostitute. We are all guilty of this crime for which Jesus (Yeshua) said those who without sin shall cast the first stone thus everyone in the crowd has sin with this crime of sexual activity from time to time, for that the nature of man it his weakness, for they could not cast the first stone against the woman.

Was Mary a virgin when she married to Joseph yes to a point? This meaning is Mary is pregnant by the Holy Spirit of God that she must not to be touch by man until she had given birth of Jesus (Yeshua) the Son of God. After the birth of Jesus (Yeshua) Mary and Joseph are united as one body has it should in what God has commanded for marriage for man and woman and thus Mary lose her virginity to Joseph afterword.


Jesus (Yeshua) did had Brothers and Sisters from his mother Mary he also have half brother and sister from the father side who Joseph was married before hand after his first wife died. Joseph was a little older when he married to Mary. Joseph died a natural death has an old man latter half of  Yeshua life. There are many times in the scripture that says Jesus (Yeshua) brother and sister. Jesus bothers continued doing the work in carpentry by following their father’s profession. Many times Yeshua (Jesus) brothers and sisters have come to see and speak to Yeshua but he ignores them, even his mother have come to see him, he  brushed her off saying here is my mother and there is my mother. How Mary must have felt that day which have hurt her feeling. How many people in this world did not understand this message in the scriptures, I am surprise that no one receive God Spirit of knowledge of understanding.


What is circumcised? Is a piece of skin a foreskin at the end of the penis which is removed! Why was it commended to be removed? What went wrong! Did God made a mistake in his creation in his own image? That cannot be, for God made everything good in his creation

For removing its foreskin will that bring us close to God, No, it does not, why! Because it was never a commanded by God to do so otherwise it will be saying that God has made a boo boo in his creation. For everything he has done in his creation it was good, nothing was out of place, not even man.

So why do we have circumcise? Believe it or not it is to do with Man, his own weakness with a female woman. He cannot control himself for woman knows of this that is why there always been prostitute, adultery and fornication through all the ages of mankind.

Man will never understand the reason for circumcise to be made a law. For God how do we tell mankind what is bacteria virus disease come from, a living organism for what you cannot see. Where it comes from and how it affects animals’ and mankind in different ways and how it transmitted to one and another in body to body or by biting insect. How do we tell mankind what it is? Even if we tell men to clean themself how often they will forget, even by temptation they will jump in the sight of naked woman. Man is so weak in his sexual appetite. That is why they sleep around prostitute, adultery and fornication or even has many wives’s, for men they are not satisfy. They have lost the meaning of love. There are so many secrets that God cannot tell man about the universe the sun the stars even to the smallest things which we cannot see. In those days man cannot understand of all its mystery it is not there time to understand until the ages of man knowledge grow in time. Circumcise is not for man to get close to God but to prevent diseases spreading in those days. God is not giving man permission to sleep around because they have been circumcise, NO because they are weak in temptation lure them to their foal. Yes we are all guilty of this crime for which Jesus (Yeshua) said those who without sin shall cast the first stone against the prostitute thus everyone in the crowd has sin with this crime of sexual activity from time to time, for that the nature of man it his weakness, for they could not cast the first stone against the woman, because they know they are all guilty.

God creation is Good even in his own image, but God cannot change man will of mind, he must learn to deal with good and evil in his own understanding. He must learn to control his sexual appetite of temptation and understand what is Love is Love.

Circumcise or not you must decide, but it will not bring you close to God only Love will, with all your heart.










Muhammad was born at about 570AD and died at about 632AD which make him to be at the age of 62. He claim to be a prophet of God latter half of his life, that has God spoke to him, is that true? A man who married a girl at age 7 and had sex with her at age 11, how could he be a man of God the prophet, God will never allow an old man to have sex with a young Girl who is not old enough into womanhood. A Man who claims that Israel worships the wrong God and that everything in the bible that is written are all lies written by the Jews. How wrong and mislead the Muslim are. A man who said Jesus is only a prophet and has not died on the cross and that he is not the Son of God. A man who written the book of Qur’an is inspired by every word of God which is perfect in every word but they are blind to see that the book of Qur’an is contradict so many times and in error in every word, than how could God made the mistake, or maybe than Muhammad hear it wrong.

 A man who exploited woman as a possession and as a sex slave for they are only to please men in every way. A man who claim if you do the right thing for God for trying to convert the infidel to Islamic faith or kill the infidel and you will be rewarded in heaven with 72 virgin woman to marry, now I see how twisted minded Muhammad is, he a sex maniac. For God Heaven is not a brothel for men to have fun with woman and have sex! No! For what is God is in Spirit, no one is getting married or having fun or having sex not in any heaven for God is holy. ;How dare you use God kingdom for a brothel in your own pleasure. Muhammad he is the devil of Lies and so many people believe in his lies, I feel sorry for them who are lost for from the truth, for the devil is blinding them from seeing the truth.

Did God spoke to Muhammad or did God let any of his angel’s permission to speak to Muhammad? NO. God has not spoken to Muhammad nor sent any of his Angels to speak to Muhammad. So where did he get his message from? Devil was giving permission to speak to Muhammad and to mislead all the people into believing a lie; it was done so that the prophecy of the end times can be fulfilled.  Yeshua said there shall be false prophet will come out to the world and mislead many people. How can we tell a false prophet there are so many of them? Test the spirit and see if it comes from true God.


Muslim claims in Qur’an speck a perfect word of God without in error, he is your test for you say it’s perfect and that God the creator is one entity, one person God, and there is no other. Then tell me why in so many passages in Qur’an whenever God is angry and he will show his vengeance, he always say ‘WE’ we will destroy the unbelievers, we will do this, or we will do that. I thought you said Qur’an was perfect from every word of God, to me it did sound like more than one God here, WE? Don’t try and hide from the truth it is written in Qur’an and it is in error.










There are churches out there claiming by their authority that God does not permit us to have celebrating Birthdays. That they say it the law giving by the word of God?

There is no law or in any authority that God have said about birthday, so do we to celebrate birthdays or not?

Is birthday a pagan tradition celebration that conflict with God laws? No it does not. God does not care so much if we were to celebrate birthday it really up to you, but do not say it is from the commandment of God that we must not celebrate birthday, for they have no right to make laws that is not from God.

Is Age important to God? Yes it is important to God to make reference to the life of person that has lived. And it is written in the Bible from Adam right up to Yeshua (Jesus). Every person that God have chosen, the Prophet, Man and woman all was mention the age that they give birth to and to the age when they have died. The same with Yeshua (Jesus) when he was 12 years old he went to Jerusalem with his parent, and when he was 33 years of age was rejected by the people and was crucify than three days latter is risen to life. If age was not important, than it should not have been written! So don’t listen to those who make laws without authority from God. It’s your choice do you want to celebrate birthdays or not it does not conflict with God Laws.

Did any of Yeshua (Jesus) disciples ever celebrated Yeshua birthday? No they did not why? It was never part of commandment that we must do. There is no reference anywhere in the bible has anyone ever celebrated a birthday?  To my understanding no! Thus it does not mean you cannot celebrate your birthday or relative and friends for that matter. When Yeshua (Jesus) was born than? No one knows for sure only clues that left behind for us to find; it was never on December 25th, and surely never on the winter time. Clues what we gather in the scripture show people gather around during the night including many shepherd in the fields, that suggest somewhat a warmer weather between august and October.

Celebrating Christmas has gone too far in exploiting the good name of Yeshua (Jesus) in money making business which taking the advantage of our holy God and you mix with pagan tradition, that is also Abomination, you may think that is all in good faith, but in God eye it is not, that is also applied with Easter.






Yeshua (Jesus) a promise!


After three and a half days in the tomb at about midnight after the Sabbath sunset Saturday, Yeshua (Jesus) has rise from the dead and so he have completed his promise to the father, and made himself ready and prepared.

By morning before the sun begin to raise a group of disciple woman and men come over to check the claims of what the witnesses have said about the tomb and Yeshua body was gone.

Latter that particular time Mary of Magdala  was weeping so much and she saw one of the man standing there for which she have thought to be a gardener, the gardener turn to her  and ask her who are you looking for, and she said to him if he knew where they have place Yeshua body and demanded him to return his body if he know what has happened to it, during that time she did not recognize him, then he said to her ‘Mary’ immediately she recognize him my lord Yeshua. And then during the day two disciples walking in the road going to the town of Emmaus, as they were walking and talking a man come up to them and listen to their conversation about what has happen during the past few days about Yeshua, he also join them with the conversation about Yeshua and the scripture, but the two disciples did not recognize him. After many hours of walking and talking it was about to be dark they went to one of disciple home and start eating, the man took the bread and gave thanks  broke it and handed the bread to them, immediately they recognize the man ‘Yeshua’ and he disappeared right in front of them.

How could this be? Disciples knew Yeshua for three and a half years and they did not recognize him, not even Mary recognizes him, ‘what’, do they all have lost of memory disease! What is going on here?

The answer to the question lies in the Old Testament bible. It is writing whenever you made a promise to God about anything you have requested it will be a promise between God and you in secret. When you begin your promise, then you must not cut your hair or shave your beard for the duration of the promise you have made with God. After the completion of your promise or if you have broken your promise, you must cut of your hair and shaved off your beard, and you must purify yourself for forty days before you join with the society again. That is exactly what Yeshua did when he prepare himself and spend forty days before to be ascend to heaven, for that is why nobody recognize him he must cut of his hair and his beard. He began his mission of promise in forty days into the wilderness has he begun to grow his hair and beard. And after three and a half years of his mission he completed his promise on the cross, and said ‘it is accomplished’.

Having a long hair for a man it had said in the bible is to put a shame onto him, it is right for a woman to have long hair to cover her nakedness. It is not a law of commandment but a respect of nature that God has made. Yeshua didn’t have long hair because he wanted to start a new trendy fashion hair style for the new age thing. It is because of the law of the scripture that he must follow and he understood it. So many people who are Christian did not understood; I am sure for the Jewish people knew of the promise commandment onto God for which they had follow it laws.