Wednesday 2 March 2016


The words of Nostradamus, a warning to anyone who’s Judge his predictions.

C, 6-Q100
Incantation of the Law Against Inept Critics.
May those who read this verse think upon it deeply. Let the profane and ignorant herd keep away. Let all astrologers, idiots and barbarians stay far off. He who does otherwise, let him be priest to the rite.
“Incantation-meaning of a chanting or uttering of words of magical power and spells.”
“Inept-meaning incompetent, useless, inexpert.”



The word of Nostradamus seem concern about those people who reject his warning  and even warning to those who practice witchcraft of magical power and spells and astrologers and the like. Nostradamus is formally a Jew and practice his religion more so than a Christian, he know very well not to follow Astrology or chanting magical spells which is forbidden in God laws. So where did he get his vision from?


But should we consider his prediction seriously? This is where our reader will have to consider his or her own mind with an open heart or reject it all together. I am here to learn more about the Truth with an open mind. One must consider the possibility that which is quoted in the Bible “Acts 17-21”

“I n those days to come, it is the Lord who speak,

I will pour out my spirit on all mankind.

Their sons and daughters shall prophesy.

Your young men shall see visions.

Your old men shall dream dreams.

Even on my slaves, Man and Woman.

In those days I will pour out my spirit,

I will display portents in heaven above

And sign on Earth below.

The Sun will turn into darkness,

And the Moon into blood,

Before the great Day of the Lord dawns.

All who call on the name of the Lord will be saved.”


God may have use Nostradamus for his instrument and purpose, and then, who are we to judge?

You see God has made a promise to mankind that they will have vision to see the future, like that of Saint Malachy who predicted all the Popes who will reign in Rome until the last Pope, of “Peter the Roman”. His prediction of all the Popes he have listed include a description of each of the person who will reign has become so accurate. But so far not many people who claim to predict the future has come true as accurate, for most part has become a failed prophecy. This is a rare gift only a selected few that God have chosen.

Could these might be listed from God chosen instrument having seen a vision of a Angel? There are three children in 1917 in Fatima whom they saw the vision of the Angel, latter thinking to be the Virgin Mary. They have received message of secret about the future, and so the two prophecies have come true the third secret is yet to come.

In 1961 four teenager girls from Garabanda Spain have also seen a vision of an Angel, as they thought to be the Virgin Mary; they too were giving message for the future and a warning for the end time with a date. To this date of time none of their prophecies have ever come true it become a failed message.

In 1981 Medjugorje of Bosnia six people who claim to see a vision of the Virgin Mary, they too were giving massagers about secret of the future but they have never release to the pubic only to say mankind must be good and turn there evil ways and back with God to escape punishment for mankind. So, it is nothing to learn from them as they will not reveal any secret message. So what is to make of it! did God ever sent any of his Angels to reveal the message for mankind. I will let you be the Judge for that, remember God has made a promise that we shall see vision, dreams and prophesy to warn mankind. If you search on the Internet you will encounter many people who have seen vision and dreams and those who prophesied throughout time till now. You will find those who predicted accurately and those who predictions has failed, but remember that God has made a promise that he pour out his spirit to the world, the only things as we ponder, who is speaking for God?


There are many books which had written about Nostradamus over the years and its interpretation. Why would this be any different from all the others books about Nostradamus.

Because now we are in the cross road of no return, World War Three has already begun, and we need to know is there any future for mankind.



What I have done here is to select those which are more concern in our time, and what lays ahead with more doom a gloom to come.

Did Nostradamus play around his prediction in his quatrain? We do know that before he publish his works, he through his papers of his prediction in the air and complied them together has where they lay on the floor, so that his prediction is out of order of time, or is it? Here we shall see the selected few example of his predictions has no meaning or purpose.

C- Century, Q- Quatrain.


C, 4-Q28
When Venus will be covered by the sun, under the splendour will be a hidden form, Mercury will have exposed then to the fire, by a rumour of war will be affronted.
C, 4-Q29
The hidden Sun eclipsed by Mercury will be placed only second in the heavens. Hermes will make the food of Vulcan; the Sun will be seen pure, shining and golden.
“Hermes an ancient Greek God of the herald and massager. Vulcan a Roman God of fire.”
C, 4-Q30
More than eleven times the Moon will not want the sun, both raised and lessened in degree, Put so low that one will sew little gold, After famine and plague the secret will be discovered.
C, 5-Q36
The sister’s brother, through feigned deceit will come and mix dew with the mineral. On the cake given to the slow old woman who dies testing it. She will be simple and rustic.
“Very common story and it still happening in our times, nothing we can learn here”.
C, 4-Q33
Jupiter joined more to Venus then to the Moon appearing in a white fullness. Venus hidden under the whiteness of Neptune, struck by Mars by the engraved wand.



As you can read here those quatrain do not make any sense at all, it’s not just those that I have selected there are many more of his prediction in this similar manner, and even the most common stories which it can relate to anyone on earth with similar event. So what it going on here! How can we believe in Nostradamus and his message of warning in any of his Quatrain prophecy? So why are these Quatrain ‘as above’ and of course there are many the like off these in his book. Why is Nostradamus playing games to the readers? There seem to be some truth to his prophecy in the quatrain and mix with the others nonsense in the quatrain too! Was this done with a purpose? Yes, he did it with precaution because of his time, let me explain. In his time in the 15 hundreds AD, anyone who practice witch-craft, devil worship or in any of the occult, his against the Church and it means sentence to be put to death. Nostradamus knows of this as he said one of his letters, he can date all of his prophecy and that it will upset allot of people and unpleasant especially the Church. I have this sense of feeling that he deliberately mixes some of the True prediction with the false one and to make it difficult to understand most of his Quatrain and so he would not be caught by the Church.


Could his next Quatrain maybe a false prediction or did it went wrong?


C, 6-Q54
At daybreak at second cockcrow, those of Tunis, Fez and of Bougie. The Arabs captured by the King of Morocco in the year 1607 by the Liturgy.
Tunis-Tunisia is the capital of republic in North Africa.
Fez is a red cap shape like cone is worn by men in their head of Islam tradition.
Bougie it may refer to a wax candle.
Liturgy means, a form of public worship.
With this date 1607 in which it has become a failed prophecy.”


We do know that this prophecy above which he dated to occurred in 1607which it never did happen.

Nostradamus did say in his letter that if we take heed we could change the future.

Perhaps some did understood this prophecy and change the course of history or it could be one of his false prophecy mix in, or even a fail one in his part. We will never know to this question.

How could one see the future and interpret it what he is seeing. Think about this how one sees the gleam pits of future and work out what it means not only that he sees part of it but the whole course of the same event that will last a long time. For instance in Quatrain 8- 77, “Twenty-seven years of blood his war will last”. How could he see all that in a picture vision with a time span of 27 years? It just no way anyone could interpret what he is seeing in vision of pictures, it has to be someone who must have told him the its meaning, like of that in the Bible in story of Daniel. As King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream and he was trouble by it. None of his people could understand the King dream, and so he ask Daniel. Daniel said the king only God knows what in people hearts; I will pray to my God and let you know the meaning of your dream. What I am trying to say here is you may not understand what you are seeing but you will need the interpreter to make it know to you. I feel that God has something to do with Nostradamus to give him the understanding; I think that God may have chosen him for his purpose.


Could the future be change or is it fixed. Yes the future can be change and fixed depend on us humans. I have written about this subject in “Times of time” ‘it will soon be release in the near future’. I feel that the future has been change somehow or prolong its purpose of its time line. Some force or someone is changing the time line. I feel that there is a displacement of time of which was not suppose to be, it like the event of the past has been added in our time, which was not to have happen before and somehow it become a reality. It maybe to do with another dimension or parallel Earth, I don’t know but someone is changing its time line.


The next quatrain will surprise you; no other interpreter has understood it. When I have read it and the way it reads it sound to me very familiar to me the event that happen in Peal Harbor in 1941 attacked.

C, 10-Q80
In the kingdom of the great one, reigning with a powerful rule by force of arms, he will cause to be opened the great gates of brass. The King and the duke allied, the port demolished, the ship at the bottom.  A severe day.
“Kingdom of the great one in Germany “Hitler” with a powerful force of military army. The King “Hitler” will allied with the Duke “Japan, Emperor” he will course to opened the gates of brass, which  may refer to terror or weapons like that of torpedos bombs. The port destroyed the ship sunk a very bad day. And it was indeed happen. Japanese attack USA Military ships and planes in Peal Harbor in 1941. This is one of those events that Americas will never forget”.




The next series of Quatrains which I have gathered together is the list of Disasters which is dealing with our time and the future to-come.

When twenty years of the Moon’s reign have passed, another will take up his rule for seven thousand years. When the Sun take up his final cycle then will my prophecy and warnings be accomplished.
“About his prophecy to be accomplished may refer to one of his letters his last date of his prophecy is 3797AD. If the year finish in 3707AD than it begun in 3203BC. The rest of it Quatrain does not make any sense! Could he mean after 3797 AD finish its cycles, then a new Seven thousand years begins?”
A scythe joined with a pond in Sagittarius at its highest ascendant. Plague, famine, death from military hand, the century approaches its renewal.
Scythe is a tool that is able to cut grass or grains; it has a long curve blade with a handle. The curved blade sound very familiar to the Turkey Flag image of a quarter moon. But as for the USSR did have in its flag of the Scythe emblem but the nation become no more in 1990 it is now Russia.
Century is a hundred years he may be referring to a thousand years in Nostradamus time the year 2000 is coming soon. Wars plague and famine has gone worse after the year 2000.
For forty years the rainbow will not be seen, Then for forty years it will be seen every day. The dry earth will grow even more parched, and there will be great flood when it seen.
“It sounds so much like El-Nio we having experience in our Twenty Century and continued to the Twenty First Century like Global warming affecting our planet. I remember an American Indian who had a vision into the future had said ‘summer winter season are all mix-up’, for this reason it’s affecting crops all over the world.
C, 1-Q67
The great famine that I sense approaching will often appear in different areas, then become worldwide. It will be on such an enormous scale and last such a long time that roots will be grubbed for trees and children from the breast.
“We have seen great famine in most third world counties, it say it will get worse in rich counties”  it correspond to Quatrain C, 1-17 the course of Global Warming”.
C, 1-Q87
Earthshaking fire from the center of the earth will cause tremors around the New City. Two great immoveable powers will war for a long time, then Arethusa will redden a new river.
Arethusa is a plant that grows in north America. Earth quake may refer to in New York or any new city in USA, a clue, the Arethusa plant grows in North America”.
C, 2-Q3
Because of heat like that of the sun on the seas, the fish around Negrepont will be half-cooked. The local people will eat them when in Rhodes and Genoa there is lack of food.
Negrepont ‘Euboea’ a Greek Island. All a Black Bridge in Italy or ‘Dalian’ name for Ruboea Island, or it can use for a surname of a person.
Rhodes and Genoa is around Italy and Greece”.
The heat like that of the sun could it mean a Nuclear Bomb?  Or it may relate to in Revelation 8 verse 10-1. The third angel blew his trumpet, and a huge star fell from the sky burring like a ball of fire, and it fell on a third of all the rivers and springs. This was the star called Wormwood, and a third of all the water turns to bitter Wormwood. So that many people died from drinking it”.
C, 2-Q75
The call of the unwelcome bird is heard on the chimney stack. Bushels of wheat will rise so high, As a result man will devour his fellow man.
“It relate to C, 1-Q17 and C, 1-Q67. There will be a shortage of food as the Global, Warming continued worldwide. Even rich Countries will go hungry, and the people on Earth will fight for the lack of food and even kill and eat other human’s beings”.
With Mars, Mercury the moon in conjunction towards the south, there will be a great drought. An earthquake will be reported from the depths of Asia; both Corinth and Ephesus then in a trouble state.
Corinth is an Ancient city in Greece. Ephesus is an Ancient city in west Asia Minor. Date unknown.
As you can see drought is worldwide”.
C, 3-Q52
In Campania there will be rain for so long and a very great drought in Apulia. The Cock will see the Eagle, its wing badly damaged, put into difficulties by the Lion.
Campania around Naples Italy.
Apulia is in Southern Italy.
Cock refer to France
Eagle refer to USA
Lion refer to England.”
It continued its theme a great Drought is worldwide because of Global warming”.
C, 4-Q48
The plains of Ansonia rich and wide will spawn so many gadflies and grasshoppers that the height of the sun will be clouded over. They will devour everything and a great pestilence will come from them.
Ansonia it may be a place in USA Connecticut or a Company name for making Clocks, other than that is unknown.
The effect of Global warming and pestilences will also devour the food stock in all over the world the food price will go up and people will go hungry”.
C, 4-Q67
In the year that Saturn and Mars are equally fiery, the air is very dry; a long meteor. From the hidden fires a great place burns with heat. Little rain, a hot wind, wars and raids.
“Dating of Saturn and Mars is very common. A long Meteor tale may refer to Halley’s comet which arrived in 1985-1986 the same year 1986 April, Nuclear power reactor station Chernobyl in USSR exploded with great hidden fires burns and with radioactive dust a hot wind. How accurate this prophecy have become”.
C, 5-Q98
At the forty-eighth degree of the climacteric, the end of Cancer, there is a very great drought. Fish in the sea, river and lake hectically boiled. Bearn and Bigorre in distress from fire in the sky.
Bearn Provinces of France
Bigorre Southwest region of France.
“It relate to C, 2-Q3. The theme of Drought continued. The fish is boiled from fire in the sky. Could it mean a Nuclear Bomb? Or it may relate to in Revelation 8 verse 10-1. The third angel blew his trumpet, and a huge star fell from the sky “from fire in the Sky” burring like a ball of fire, and it fell on a third of all the rivers and springs. This was the star called Wormwood, and a third of all the water turn to bitter Wormwood. So that many people died from drinking it”.
C, 6-Q5
A very great famine (caused) by a plague-ridden wave will extend through long rain the length of the Arctic pole. Samarobrin, one hundred leagues from the Hemisphere. They will live without law. Exempt from politics.
“A clear description of a space-station as people are living in them, while on earth is suffering with disaster of a great drought cause by Global Warming
Samarobrin may be some kind of name for the space station”.
C, 6-Q81
Tears, cries and wailing, howls and terror, an inhuman heart both black and cold. Lake Geneva, the Island, most of the people of Genoa. Blood pours, hunger for wheat, mercy to none.
“Genoa – Golfo Di Genava from northern Italy.”
Disaster of Droughts in a Global scale cause by Global Warming. People will kill each other for food. As food will become short supply worldwide”.
C, 6-Q97
The sky will burn at forty-five degrees. Fire approaches the great New City. Immediately a huge scattered flame leaps up when they want to have prove of the Normans.
“New city may refer to New York City, a huge scattered flames most likely to be an atomic bomb.
Normans refers to Northmen around Demark, Norway and Normandy. Normans, it does not seem to make any sense to the meaning of this prophecy.”
C, 9-Q83
The sun in twenty degrees of Taurus there will be a great earthquake. The theatre, full, will be ruined, Darkness and trouble in the air, sky and land when they call upon the faithless God and the Saints.
“Date is given here of Taurus will be around the month of May” this Quatrain relate to C, 10-67”.
C, 10-Q49
The Garden of the World near the New City, in the road of the hollow mountains. It will be seized and plunged in the tank, forced to drink water poisoned with sulphur.
“New City it could be New York or any new city. Garden of the world may refer to rich city or country.
It takes a lot of amount of poison to fill from the dam water supplies. I guess the only way to be done is underground volcanic of sulphur gas release, like that in Yellow stone of North America.”
C 10-Q67
A very great troubling on the month of May, Saturn in Capricorn, Jupiter and Mercury in Taurus. Venus also in Cancer, Mars in Virgo, then hail will fall greater than an egg.
“First Earthquakes and then hail. The Planet conjunction is very rare.
This Quatrain relate to C, 9-Q83. In both Quatrains the Earthquakes will be in the month of May”.


Even though disasters like Earthquake is mention a few times in Nostradamus is also corresponded with in Revelation too, the great Earthquake will destroy many city around the world. But majority of his quatrain listed above mention about is famine, in which will struck major large scale worldwide, often turning one place to another and then it become universal, and then man will become an Man eater. Food crop will failed as the result of Global Warming and life stork will die without grain or hay to feed them, many fish in the sea will die. And so not even rich or poor will be able to buy food the cost will be without reach. In Revelation often talk about Famine in those last days too! Global warming has now become a reality, I can’t see how we can reverse it progress we are heading into disaster for mankind, without food people will eat people what a nightmare future this will be.


The next selected Quatrain I have compile, the Sign and times, is there any sign we can look for in our time.

Signs and times
C, 1-Q46
Very near Auch, Lectore and Mirande a great fire will fall from the sky for three nights. The cause will appear both stupefying and marvellous; shortly afterwards there will be an earthquake.
“All the towns mention Auch, Lectore and Mirande is round France” Once again a great fire will fall from the sky ‘a meteorite’ has repeated many time, it must be a clue, also in Revelation”.
C, 1-Q63
Pestilence passed, the world becomes smaller. For a long time lands will be inhabited peacefully. People will cross through the skies, safely, over land and seas; then wars will start up again.
“So true after World War Two the world is at peace we can freely travel not only in the sea but in the air as well, this can only be a reality in twenty century, Aeroplane travel. After a long peace World War III will start. Why I mention World War III, because ever since World War II ended we have always had wars on a small scaled, this is what is called in the Bible in Matthew and Mark ‘Wars and Rumour of Wars but the end is not yet’ This is what Nostradamus is trying to say, I think he knows the saying in the Bible too well!”.
C, 2-Q30
A man who is reborn from the infernal Gods of Hannibal, the terror of mankind. Never more horror nor papers tell of worse things ‘in the past’, than will come to the Romans through Babel.
“Newspapers and media telling the news right around the world live. This may apply to World War III, Hannibal may refer to Islamic nation. Babel refer to Babylon is also mention in Revelation. Muslim will invade Rome. The news will be very upsetting to most people around the world”.
C, 5-Q73
The Church of God will be persecuted and the holy temples will be pillaged. The mother will put away the child, naked in a shift. The Arabs will ally with the Poles.
“This relate to C, 2-Q30. Islamic countries will attack the Church and Rome. Christians will be put to death; this is also in Revelation, also in Matthew C24-V9.
Could Muslim will join with Russia?”.
C, 2-Q43
During the appearance of the bearded star, the three great princes will be make enemies. The tremulous peace on earth will be struck from the skies; the Po, the winding Tiber, a serpent on the shore.
“May refer to china the serpent dragon the winding Tiber or Tibet may refer to great wall of china like a winding snake a serpent.
It mentions a comet appearance, like one of those predictions of Fire in the sky will strike the Earth”.
C, 9-Q44
Leave, leave Geneva everyone Saturn will change from gold into iron. Those against RAYPOZ will all be exterminated. Before the rush the sky will show signs.
RAYPOZ is an unknown word reference. Some interpreter thinks it might be a Nuclear bomb, if we break down the words, Ray may relate to radium Particles. Poz as positive particles. Change from Gold to Iron may mean power. This quatrain telling us to leave or we shall die in a nuclear war.
Before it does the sky will show signs, like in the bible in Matthew the moon turn into Blood the Sun and the Star will not show its lights, the world will be into darkness. It also mention in Revelation”.
C, 10-Q76
The year of the great Seventh number accomplished; it will appear at the time of the games of Slaughter. Not far from the age of the great Millennium when the dead will come out of their graves.
It may refer to seven thousand years period to be completed from the time of Adam first human until the last date Nostradamus recorded in his letter for being 3797 AD. In Revelation it prophecy the great war will destroy all humans and this world, which will happen after the thousand years Reign of Jesus on Earth, then men will stir up trouble again as Nostradamus said in the Quatrain it will appear at the time of the games of Slaughter or battle. After that the Dead will rise up meaning the Great Judgement day in Revelation.
C, 2-Q81
The city is almost burned to ashes by fire from the sky. Water again threatens Deucalion. Sardinia is vexed by the African fleet after Libra has left Leo.
Deucalion was similar to Noah in the Greek Mythology When the Gods destroy Mankind by Flood.
Again reference to fire in the sky, it seem in the future a meteor will hit the Earth
Sardinia an Island of Italy”.
C, 3-Q95
The Moorish law will be seen to fail, followed by another that is less pleasing. The Dnieper will be the first to give way through gifts and tongues, to another more appealing.
Dnieper is a river that runs in Europe and flow through Russia into the Black sea.
“Communist of USSR the ‘Union Soviet Socialist Republics’ has declined its power in 1991, after seventy four years 1917-1991 of communist rule of combining union state countries, which is now become a singular Russia”.


Time after time the reference to fire in the sky, fire ball striking pass as a warning sign which will be the sign that something is coming, as in Revelation the falling star Wormwood will hit the Earth as well as the sign of the Blood moon the Stars and the Sun will not light up and the world into darkness. Not to mention also nuclear bomb will be drop the terror of mankind getting out of control.










The next Quatrain will deal with World War III. Who shall we fight? China against the world! Or USA against Russia! What about North Korea against USA! From Quatrain after Quatrain it always refers to one nation in which it will affect the whole world. And the War will be a Religion one predominates Muslim against Christians. And other world powers will also get involved.


C, 1-Q50
From the three water sign will be born a man who will celebrate Thursday as his feast day. His renown, praise, rule and power will grow by land and sea, bringing trouble to the East.
“America of USA, Thank Giving day which is held the last Thursday of the month in November. Also see C, 10- Q71. In this quatrain USA who has coarse trouble in the middle east. This is the clue; United State America is the course of all troubles in this world. See also C, 5-Q8”.
The coast will remain deserted all along the coast from Monaco as far as Sicily. There will be no suburbs, cities or towns which will not have been pillaged and robbed by Barbarians.
“All the towns are mention is the city around the Adriatic seas. The Barbarians are the Muslim who will attack Mediterranean countries”.
When the weapons and documents are enclosed in a fish, out of it will come a man who will then make war. His fleet will have voyaged far across the ocean to appear near the Italian shore.
“A submarine. Unknown whose submarine of which nation will be, but he will make war”.
C, 10-Q71
The Earth and air will freeze so much water when they come to worship on Thursday. He who will come will never be fair as the few partners who to honor him.
“America USA, of Thank Giving day which is held the last Thursday of the month in November. Also see C, 1-Q50. Every winter in North America it gets very cold blast of severe spells. In both Quatrains, USA is involved in world affairs”.
C, 10-Q72
In the year 1999, and seven months from the sky will come the great King of Terror. He will bring to life the great king of the Mongols, Before and after war reigns happily.
“September is the seven month from the older days before it has change to what we now (Sept means number Seven in the Roman times). Unfortunately the year is off by two years but somehow it come to be true. Nostradamus said it will be. ‘Terror in the sky’, we know too well now, using plane as weapons;  next “great King of the Mongols”, it refer to Muslims, for which are trying to reunited all Islam as one entity, from which is aspire by Saddam Hussein dream to reunite all Muslim as one great power. This is the dream for all Muslim who want to reunite as one. And the war that Nostradamus predicted come right from the mouth of Saddam Hussein as he quoted “Mother of all Battles”, unfortunately this has becoming to be also true. War began 1991 in the Iraq war ‘Gulf War’ “before and after war reign happily” war is still continued with the Muslim till this day, by terrorises attack all around the world and it will get much worse.”
C, 10-Q75
Long awaited it will never return in Europe, he will appear in Asia. One of the league ‘confederation’ issued from the great Hermes, he will grow above all the other powers in the Orient.
Hermes an Ancient Greek God the herald and messenger to other Gods.
China is more powerful than the entire Orient nation. In Revelation the Orient is also involved in the conflict who can deploy two hundred million soldiers into battle”.
C, 1-Q53
Alas, we shall see a great nation sorely troubled and the holy law in utter ruins. All Christianity taken over by other laws, when a new source of gold and money is discovered.
“This relate to Revelation chapter 13. A man of 666 will change the laws and the people will have his mark to be able to buy and sale. A new source of money may refer to a chip of some kind which will be into the data bank of government of the world to control and identify you”.
C, 1-Q55
In the land opposite to Babylon there will be a great shedding of blood.  Both on land and sea and in the air the heavens will seem unjust. Sect, famine, kingdoms, plagues, confusions.
“Iran is the opposite of Babylon which is Iraq. Islamic Wars against the west”.
C, 1-Q73
France will be accused of neglect by five partners. Tunis, Algiers stirred up by the Persians. Leon, Seville and Barcelona having failed, they will not have the fleet because of the Venetians.
Tunis refers to the capital Tunisia is in North Africa. Algiers is in North Africa. Seville and Barcelona in Spain.  Leon might be in France.
Persians is Iran, Islam will stir trouble”.
C, 1-Q91
The Gods will make it seem to mankind that they are the authors of a great war. Before the sky was seen to be free of weapons and rockets; the greatest damage will be afflicted towards the left side.
“The left side of the globe is the America, or it may be china. The rest if this Quatrain says it all, mankind just don’t know how to live in Pease”.
C, 2-Q86
Fleet is wrecked near the Adriatic sea, the earth trembles, rise into the air and falls again. Egypt trembles; Mahometan increase. The herald (messenger) is sent for to ask for surrender.
“Mahometan refer to those of Muhammad people ‘Islam’. Islamic empire will it increase it power and will cause war”.
C, 2-Q89
One day the two great leaders will be friends; their great power will be seen to grow. The new land will be at the height of its powers. To the man of blood the numbers are reported.
“The two great powers of leaders at the time of the Cold War are USA and USSR. USSR ended its power in 1990. USA has become the great power domination of the world, it is said in this Quatrain the new land will be at the height of it power. Russia has never become the great powers it once had, China has taken that role. Now it seems that Russia and USA will try to get along. Before hand ,USA have try to prevent Russia in getting involve in the Gulf
War in 1991 and 2003 Iraq”.
C, 2-Q91
At sunrise a great fire will be seen, noise and light extending towards the North.  In the globe death and cries are heard. Death awaits, through weapons, fire and famine.
“Global War and sign of a great fire to be seen”.
C, 2-Q98
A burning torch will be seen in the sky at night, near the foundation and source of the Rhone. Famine, weapon; help provided too late. Persia will turn and invade Macedonia.
“More sign in the Sky a fire burning torch a meteorite. Once again Global War Persia ‘Iran’ will invade”.
C, 3-Q7
The fugitives, the weapon with fire from heaven. The next conflict will be that of the flying cross. They call upon earth and heaven for help, when the aggressors draw near the wall.
Cross is referring to Christian, as it was quoted from a Muslim spoke person, ‘they will destroy those who worship the cross’ Christian will be flying with Jets because it said Conflict. This time weapon will be firing from the sky ‘heaven is the sky’ much like Jets flying over Syrian and bombing target terrorist towns and people, as of 2015-2016.”
C, 3-Q23
France, if you cross the Ligurian sea, you will find yourself besieged among islands and seas. With Mahomet against you, more so the Adriatic, you will gnaw the bones of horse and asses.
Ligutian refer to indo European ancient language of Italy.
Mahomet ‘Islamic’ once again attack by the Islamic. Continued it theme, Muslim against Christian”.
C, 3-Q47
The old King chased out of his Kingdom will go to seek help from the people of the East. For fear of the crosses he will fold his banner. He will travel to Mitylene by land and sea.
“The crosses are referring to Christian.
Mitylene of Lesbos part of Greece.
Not sure who is the old king but he will go and seek help from the people from the east ‘Middle East’ ”.
C, 3-Q64
The Persian leader will gather in great Spain. A fleet of triremes (will advance) against the Mohammedoans for Parthia and Media. He will take the Cyclades; then a long wait in the great lonian harbor.
Triremes-trireme is an ancient galley warship having oars each side.
Parthia and Media refer to west Asia Iran.
 Cyclades refer to a group of Greek Islands.
Lonian One of ancient tribes of the Greeks / ancient Anatonlia ’Lonian’ is now locate in Turkey.
Mohammedoans - Muslim.
Muslim leader will gather against Spain, a fleet of War Ship will advance against Islamic army”.
C, 3-Q84
The greaty city will soon be quite deserted, not a single one of the inhabitants will remain. Wall sex, temple and virgin violated. People will die from the sword; fire, plague and cannon shot.
“Not so sure of which city will be destroyed but there are other reference that point to Italy”.
C, 4-Q39
The people of Rhodes will demand help, abandoned by the neglect of their heirs. The Arab Empire will assess its course, its cause revived again in the West.
Rhodes a Greek Island near Turkey. It look like the west has neglect the protection for the people of Greece, the Islamic invasion will revived ‘become strong’ again and again against the west USA”.
C, 4-Q43
Weapon will be heard fighting in the skies. In the same year the priests (divines) are enemies, They will want, unjustly, to query the holy laws, Through lightning and war many believers put to death.
“More wars and bomb and Jets fighters to be heard. Many Christians will be put to death during the war”.
C, 4-Q47
When the ferocious dark one will have exercise his bloody hand through fire, the sword, the drawn bow, all the nation will be so terrified to see the great ones hanging by their nick and feet.
Ferocious means savage, cruel, violently and brutal”
This may refer to the antichrist who is showing with great power and terror to all nation”.
C, 4-Q95
The rule left to two, they will hold it for a very short time. Three years and seven months having passed they will go to war. The two vestals will rebel against them. The victor then born on ‘Armorique’ American soil.
Vestal is a goddess of Vesta meaning a Virgin.
Armorique a meaning refer to the ancient name of a kingdom called Gaul of the Celtic part of France and England. I don’t see why commentator refer to Armorique as meaning American”.
C, 5-Q8
There will be let loose living fire and hidden death, fearful, inside terrifying globes. By night the city will be reduced to rubble by fleet, the city in flame, helpful to the enemy.
“This applies to the Gulf and Iraq War in 1991 and 2003. Air strike over the Iraq city by the USA War ship. I guess USA is the enemy as quoted also in C, 1- Q 50 they have started with all the problems we see the world today”.
C, 5-Q19
The great golden royal, augmented by money, breaks the covenant. The war is started by the young man. The people are afflicted by a lamented leader. The land will be covered with barbarian blood.
“Could this be in North Korea a young king ‘president’ a lamented leader causing trouble to the world threatening a war?
Augment meaning to increase makes it larger numbers and strength; it could be for money or power”.
C, 5-Q23
The two contented men are united together when most (planets) are in conjunction with Mars, The African leader trembles in terror. The twin alliance scattered by the fleet.
“Conjunction happens last in 1989. The Next most planet conjunction in 2016.
Russia and USA president untied with solution with the problem of Islamic state terrorists! Maybe but I don’t see why would African leader are afraid”.
Could twin alliance refer to Russia and USA fell apart of partnership?”
C, 5-Q25
The Arab Prince, Mars, the Sun, Venus and Leo, the rule of the Church will succumb to the sea. Towards Persia very nearly a million men will invade Egypt and Byzantium, the true serpent.
Succumb meaning give in submit; the Church and the Christian will surrender by the Muslim army. The war is between Muslim against Christian”.
C, 5-Q27
With fire and weapons, not far from the Black Sea, he will come from Persia to occupy Trebibond. Pharos and Mytilene tremble, The Sun is bright, the Adriatic Sea covered with Arab blood.
Pharos is in Egypt near Alexandria.
Trebibond – Trebizond was a monarch and an Empire located around the Blacksea, Turkey.
Mytilene an ancient city in Greece in Lesbos Island. Wars by the great king in Iran who has weapon of fire like that as bright as the Sun ‘Atomic bomb’ the sea refer to multitude groups an army of Arab blood”.
C, 5-Q47
The Great Arab will march well ahead. He will be betrayed by the Turks, Ancient Rhodes will come forward to meet him and greater harm through the other Hungarians.
Rhodes an Island off Greece and Turkey. Here describe an Islamic invasion”.
C, 5-Q54
From beyond the Black Sea and great Tartary, there will be a king who will come to see France. He will pass through Alania and Armenia, leaving his bloody rod in Byzantium.
Tartary-Tatary ancient people of Asia.
Armenia is an ancient people from Turkey and Iran.
Alania a Medieval Kingdom of Iranian.
Byzantium from the Ottoman Empire Istanbul near Turkey.
Not far from the Black sea is a king in Iran who with a bloody rod will come to see the leader of France”.
C, 5-Q55
In the fortunate country of Arabia will be born one powerful in Laws of Mahomet. He will trouble Spain and conquer Granada as well as most of the Ligurian nation from the sea.
Granada a medieval kingdom along the Mediterranean coast of south Spain.
Ligurian is a inhabitant of indo European language of ancient Italy.
See C, 4-47. The Antichrist will rule the world and course World War III”.
C, 5-Q59
The English chief stays too long at Nimes towards Spain, Aenobarbe to the rescue. Many will die through war started on that day when a bearded star falls in Artois.
Nimes city of southern France from a Romans ruins.
Aenobarbe an unknown word or place we could break it down to as Aeno may mean Masculine or Singular.” Barbe facial hair.
Artois a place of Province kingdom of France. So what we have here a masculine man with a beard who will come to the rescue, but many will die on that day. Once again a star will be seen or fallen the warning sign we must watch out for”.
C, 5-Q78
The two will not remain allied for long. Within thirteen years they give into barbarian power. There will be such a loss on both sides, that one will bless the Barque (of Peter) and its leader.
“Barque – Bark refer to the Pope.  Saint Malachy had predicted the last pope is to be elected is Peter the Roman. Pope Francis is the last Pope and relate to Peter the Roman. This gives you the clue of when the third world war began. This quatrain also relate to C, 5Q23 the two allied Russia and USA will not remain long and with great losses of both side by the barbarian Islamic power”
C, 5-Q80
Ogmios will approach great Byzantium. The barbarian league will be driven out. Of the two laws the pagan one will fail, barbarian and freeman in perpetual struggle.
Ormios a Celtic God of Gaul as it identified with the Romans Hercules. May mean the Kingdom of Celtic which is either France or England will approach to Turkey. This war is between Muslims and Christians in perpetual struggle. The two laws one is Christian and Muslim, the pagan is the Muslim who will fail and driven out”.
C, 5-Q86
Divided by two heads and three arms, the great city will be troubled by water. Some of the great men among them wander in exile. Byzantium is hard pressed by the leader of Persia.
“Byzantium from the Ottoman Empire Istanbul near Turkey. Iran will push hard against the Turkey nation and they may be divided among the people for with or against the alliance with Iran”.
C, 6-Q21
When those of the Northern pole are united together, in the East will be great fear and dread. A new man elected supported the great one who trembles. Both Rhodes and Byzantium will be stained with barbarian blood.
“Rhodes an Island of Greece.
Byzantium from the Ottoman Empire Istanbul near Turkey.
Russia and USA may unite common bond against the enemy of Islamic nations. Greece and Turkey will be stain of blood by the barbarian Empire”.
C, 6-33
His hand finally through the bloody Alus, he will be unable to protect himself by sea. Between two rivers he will fear the military hand. The black an angry one will make him repent of it.
Alus from many searches I have come across that Alus is merely a surname is use of a person. This person will be ambush by the enemy. Alus must be a leader of the great nation with blood in his hands he may have done something wrong because the black angry leader of the other great nation will make Alus pay, may have to do causing the War”.
C, 6-80
From Fez the kingdom will stretch out to those of Europe.  The city blazes, the sword will slash. The great man of Asia with a great troop by land and sea. So that the blues, perse, will drive out the cross to death.
“Perse – is a deeper shade of blue
Fez - is a red cap shape like cone is worn by men in their head of Islam tradition. It refer to Muslim who will drive out the cross, the Cross is Christian who they will be put to death”.
C, 7-6
Naples, Palermo and all of Sicily will be uninhabited through barbarian might. Corsica, Salerno and the island of Sardinia; hunger, plague, war, and end of extended evils.
“Naples located in the southern coast of Italy.
Palermo, Corsica, Salerno and Sardinia are a large Island group located in southern parts of Italy of Mediterranean sea.
It sound like most of Europe will be devastated by Iran Empire army of war, they may use Nuclear Weapons as suggest uninhabited”.
C, 8-Q59
Twice put up and twice cast down the East will also weaken the West. Its adversary, after several battles, chased by sea will fail at time of need.
“It may refer to the Gulf and Iraq war in 1991 and 2003. As twice put up and twice put down. Afterward it says the East ‘Iran’ will weaken the west, many of his prediction in his quatrain support that in which Iran Islamic cause the bloody war.”
C, 8-Q77
The Third Antichrist soon annihilates everything. Twenty-seven years of blood his war will last. The unbeliever’s dead, captive, exiled with blood, human bodies, water and red hail covering the earth.
“Twenty-seven years of blood and war has already started with terrorists at first until it escalated to a full scale war, when everything gets out of control. Islam is the Antichrist who refuse to expect Jesus is God son”.
C, 9-Q43
Ready to land the army of the Cross will be watched for by the Ismaelites (Arabs) Struck from all side by the ship Raviere. Quickly attached by ten chosen galleys.
“Remember the Cross refer to the Christian.”
Raviere – It could be use as a surname of France people, or a city of Riviere-du-loup of France. In any case location is France. A French ship will be attack by Islamic invaders”.
C, 9-Q55
The dreadful war which is prepared in the West, the following year the pestilence will come, so very dreadful that young or old nor animal (will survive). Blood, fire Mercury, Mars, Jupiter in France.
“This is saying USA have started this Third World War they are the orchestrate of the war that went wrong. Islam rises up its power and strike back with a bloody rod”.
C, 9-Q60
In a black headdress the Barbarian fights, bloodshed. Dalmatia trembles. The great IsmaÈ…l (Islam) will wake his promontory. Frogs tremble under aid from Portugal.
“Dalmatia it may refer to Dalmatic, is an open sided vestment worn over the alb (alb is a long sleeved vestment) is use by high priest and Bishop.
Promontory is a high place overlooking lowland.
Frog it refers to the Bible in Revelation as evil spirit.
This prediction tell us the Black headdress is worn by Islamic terrorist, Dalmatia refer to Christian is being attack by Islamic terrorist in the height of it power. Evil spirit Islam the Frogs is afraid of western dominated power”.
C, 9-Q73
The king enters Foix wearing a blue turban, he will reign for less than a revolution of Saturn. The king with a white turban, his heart banished to Byzantium. Sun, Mars and Mercury near Aquarius.
“Foix – a former capital of France.
Turban is worn by Muslim men, Blue and white turban may refer to different leaders of Islam. The King will enter France who is wearing a Turban. Byzantium is the Turkey king who may play a part and will anger his people.
Saturn revolution last about 29.5 years, thus it state Islam will reign it power around of less than 29 years, as it relate to C, 8-77 Twenty-seven years of blood and war”.



C, 2-Q29
The Eastern man will come forth from his seal and cross the Apennines to France. He will cross through the sky. The seas and the snows and he will strike everyone with his rod.
Apennines a mountain range in Italy
This Quatrain show to be the future because of flight through the sky and it to do with war by the Eastern man an Islamic one”.
C, 1-Q51
At the height of Aries, Jupiter and Saturn, eternal God what changes! Then after a long century the bad times will return; great upheavals in France and Italy.
“It could be the early twenty century, in the turn 1900s we had World War one and Two after a long century then bad times will return”.



On the entire Quatrain that I have gather above that deals about the Third World War deals with the theme on Religion War between Christian and Muslim. The antichrist will has to be one of the Islamic person of a man with the bloody rod. The War will last about 27-29 years, it start off gradual until it become worldwide battle. It seems by Nostradamus, USA is the one who has cause trouble in the Middle East to begin with. As they did with Iraq war in 2003 allegation toward Saddam Hussein of storing weapon of mass destruction, it was never found. I feel that the war has already begun and the last Saint Malachy prediction of the Pope, Peter the Roman is already played on stage. The war will get at it worse as the Nuclear weapon will be use and part of the world will be uninhabited for a long time. The Gods will make it seem to mankind that they are the authors of a great war.





Did Nostradamus ever predict the coming of Jesus? What about the Two Witnesses, a Witness? In Quatrain after Quatrain I have carefully read them I have conclude the Nostradamus did Mention about Jesus and the Witnesses to come on stage in our future. Nostradamus predicted other signs which have come to pass and full fill the prophecy in the twenty century.



The divine God and Signs
C, 1-Q56
Sooner or later you will see great changes made, dreadful horrors and vengeances. For as the moon is led by the angel. The heavens draw nearer to the balance.
“The kingdom of God is coming, the heaven draw near the balance. The Angel is preparing, oh what changes we will see. The people on earth would not want this; the anger of God has come. You can see the war is already in progress”.
C, 1-Q96
A man will be charged with the destruction of temples and sects, he will be charged by visions. He will harm the rocks rather than the living; ears satiated ‘satisfied’ by ornate ‘elaborate’ speeches.
“The Witness will pour out his anger to all religion all evil doers all who disobey God laws and the fallen away from Jesus. He must bring back and re-unite the people and the Israel”.
C, 2-Q13
The body without a soul is no longer at the sacrifice. At the day of death it comes to rebirth. The divine spirit will make the soul rejoice seeing the eternity of the world.
“The witnesses have been killed by the unbeliever’s devils. After three days the witness will come back to life from the dead, the divine spirit will rejoice. In Revelation”.
C, 2-27
The divine voice will be struck from heaven and he will not be able to continue further, the secret hidden until the revelation, so that people will walk both above and overhead.
“The witness has finished his purpose on Earth for all mankind with a double edge sword with the truth, and shall put fear in their hearts. The witness will be put to death ‘will not continued any further’ the people will rejoice and give present to one another because the witness has torment them for three and an half years and ‘people shall walk above and overhead’ the dead body for all to see for which is not buried. The answer in Revelation chapter eleven”.
C, 2-41
The star will burn for seven days and the cloud will make the sun appear double. The large mastiff will howl all night when the great pontiff changes his abode (dwelling).
“A warning sign of a star or a falling star will be seen on Earth for seven days and to be seen like that of a second sun, something large is coming to the Earth like that of the star called wormwood. Alarming that shall be the Pope shall leave from its place from Rome. The Dogs shall howl all night as a warning to come”.
C, 2-45
The Heavens weep too much at the birth of Androgyn; human blood is spilt near to heaven. It is too late for the great nation to be revived because of the death; the awaited help comes soon, yet too late.
Androgyn meaning having two sexes Male and Female.
This Quatrain tells about the spirit of God the witness who will be killed the spilling of his blood by the unbeliever devil. That Nations will not be safe by the Anger of God. It too late to change for many only some will be safe”.
C, 2-Q98
His face is spattered with the blood of a newly sacrificed victim, Jupiter and Leo warn through prophecy, His will be put to death for the promised one.
“This witness will sacrifice his life to bring people into union with God for the coming of Jesus is very near. In Revelation chapter eleven”.
C, 3-Q97
A new law will occupy a new land around Syria, Judea and Palestine. The Great barbarian empire will crumble before the century of the sun is finished.
“In 1948 the state of Israel is born after a long two thousand years period of exile from all over Europe. The people of Jewish descend have return to their home land.
‘Before the century of the sun is finished’ has not occurred as yet, it is still ongoing troubles. This prophecy may have been delayed by the power of the nations that is trying to prevent the prophecy from coming true by changing the time line. But the hard they try to force peace then suddenly wars starting up”.
C, 10-Q96
The religion called by the seas will overcome, against the seat of the son Adaluncatif. The stubborn lamentable sect the two men wounded by Alpha and Alpha.
Lamentable - Lamented which means mourning, or mouth full of sorrows.
Adaluncatif it may refer to India.
Alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet. It also refers to first the beginning.
The religion sea is the Christian will overcome the two men of India who mourn of sorrows of false Gods. Then the two men are wounded by Alpha and Alpha it maybe the two witnesses”.
C, 4-Q24
The faint voice of a woman is heard under the holy ground. A human flame lights up for the divine voice. It will cause the earth to be stained with the blood of celibates and destroy the holy temples on behalf of the wicked.
“Celibate meaning a person who abstain from a sexual relationship and unmarried. Here the Christian will be persecuted and put to death by the unbelievers; they will put their life of the one who has opened their eyes to the truth and follow God and the return of Jesus, they shall be ready.
Here I think the event happen days or so after the Witness finish his mission crucify and return to Heaven”.
C, 4-Q31
The Moon, in the middle of the night over the high mountain; the young wise man alone with his mind has seen it. Invited by his disciples to become immortal; his eyes to the south, his hand on his breast, his body in the fire.
“Body in the fire can only mean the Holy Spirit; here it tells about the witness and its followers receiving the holy spirit”.
C, 4-Q49
Blood will be spilled in front of the people which will not go far from high heaven. But although seen for a long time, it will not be heard. The spirit of a single man will bear witness to it.
“The blood spilled in front of people it could means The Antichrist is crucify the Christian for all to see, and the Heaven ‘God’ will not take action. But this man the spirit of God will bear witness to it, is the witness”.
C, 5-Q53
The law of the Sun contending with Venus, appropriating the spirit of prophecy. Neither the one nor the other will be understood, The law of the great Messiah retained through the Sun.
“This implies Jesus when his returns the prophecy of being fulfilled as King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Rules and laws must be follow and the people of this world will follow these condition for a thousand years, and there shall be no wars or hunger or thirst nor sadness or disease”.
C, 5-Q79
The sacred pomp will come to lower its wings at the coming of the great lawgiver. He will raise the humble and trouble the rebellious. His like will not appear again on earth.
“Pomp meaning display or spectacle.
Here it implies to the Jesus when he return as King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Rules and laws must be follow as there will be rebellious of People and Nations and punishment will be dealt with them. His rule will last for a thousand years after this mankind is on his own way of life once again. They have not learnt a thing. The likes of Jesus will not come again”.
C, 6-Q24
Mars and Scepter will be in conjunction. A calamitous war under cancer. A short time afterwards a new King will be anointed who will bring peace to the earth for a long time.
“This is referring to Jesus who is returning as King for a thousand years. Notice a great war will occur, oh what calamity when Jesus returned to stop this war, otherwise no life will be safe. After his return peace for a long time a thousand years of peace”.
C, 10-Q89
The walls will change from brick to marble, seventy-five years peaceful years. Joy to human kind, the aqueduct reopened Health abundant fruit, joy and mellifluous times.
Aqueduct meaning a thing that water will flow like a cannels or river.
Mellifluous meaning sweaty or smooth flowing.
A new Jerusalem Temple will be build with a marble construction. Seventy-five peaceful years not sure why it supposes to be a thousand years of peaceful times as the rest of this Quatrain support it’.


The two Witnesses of Alpha and Alpha, or a Witness; and as well seeing Jesus return on Earth, it clearly shows that Nostradamus did see the future and it was given by God for that wisdom. Nostradamus is a Catholic Christian and his is foremost a Hebrew Jewish religion. This is why God has chosen him as God promise he will pour out his Spirit on to this world to see Dreams, Vision and prophesy.


The next selection of Quatrains will be classified as an unknown group. Most are common other confusing and puzzling? Mabus is this person by name may be an Antichrist as most commentators think it might be. The only problem I have in this that Mabus has die while destruction of people and animals and suddenly a vengeance, ‘by whom?’ What about a prophet who take Monday as he day of rest, is he the Antichrist? Not so sure, it is still unknown. This is why I class these Quatrains as Unknown but keep an open mind to the case of fact are presented.

C, 2-Q19
Newcomers will occupy an undefended place uninhabitable until then, Meadows, houses, fields, towns will be taken at their pleasure, Famine, plague, war (over) much arable land.
“It could be any war!”.
The aimless army will depart from Europe and join up close to the submerged island. The NATO (or bread giving) fleet will fold up its standard in the navel of the world, giving in to a greater voice.
“It could be any war!”.
C, 2-Q28
The last but one of the prophet’s name will take Monday for his day of rest. He will wonder far in his frenzy, delivering a great nation from subjection.
“We do not know any prophet in our time has ever taken Monday for his rest day. It may be one of those Quatrains that Nostradamus plays around with from the truth”.
C, 2-62
Mabus will soon die and there will happen a dreadful destruction of people and animals. Suddenly, vengeance will appear, a hundred hands, thirst and hunger, when the comet passes.
“Mabus is unknown, maybe a part name of a person, it says that he will die. The Antichrist? Not sure it continued to say more vengeance will appear after Mabus, during the appearance of the comet or the fallen star”.
 C, 2-Q65
In the feeble lists, great calamity throughout the West and Lombardy. Fire in the ship, plague and captivity. Mercury in Sagittarius, Saturn threatening.
Feeble mean weak.
Lombardy Northern region of Italy near Milan.
 The date will occur at December 2044, last time it occurs on 1839.
Unknown to be the future yet to come, let the reader decide”.
C, 5-Q81
The royal bird over the city of the sun will give a nightly warning for seven months. The wall in the East will fall; thunder and lightning. In seven days the enemies (arrive) directly at the gates.
“The royal bird of what city or nation is unknown, but it will shown sign in the sky every night for seven months. And then the enemy will come.
The wall of the East will fall, is the Chinese great wall will fall? I do not know”.


C, 3-Q92
The world is near its final period Saturn will again be late on his return. The empire will shift to the Brodde nation. An eye at Narbonne is plucked out by a goshawk.
Goshawk is a short wing Hawks from north America which may also refer to an Eagle of USA”
Brodde might be a name of a person of Swedish descended.
Narbonne is in southern France.
This Quatrain is unknown to meaning”.
C, 6-Q51
The people gathered to see a new sight. Princes and Kings (are) among many onlookers. The Pillars, walls fall. But as if by a miracle the king and thirty of those present are saved.
“This sound like the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1990 when the communist USSR declined its hold of the East Germany, and freedom was declared”.
C, 6-Q78
To shout aloud the victory of the great crescent moon, the Eagle will be proclaimed by the Romans. Pavia, Milan and Genoa will not agree to it then the great Lord is claimed by themselves.
“Crescent Moon is Islam.
Eagle is USA
Milan is in central city of Lombardy North Italy.
Pavia A town in Southwest of Lombardy of Italy.
Genoa ‘Genova’ is a port city and capital of Liguria in northwest Italy.
Majority of the town mention is in Italy. I don’t know what America is doing in Rome. While Islamic proclaiming a victory. Who is the Great Lord?”.
C, 8-Q81
The new empire in desolation will be changed from the Northern Pole. From Sicily will come such trouble that it will bother the enterprise tributary to Philip.
“Unknown to be the future, and who is Philip?”.